Meet the Team
Dr Kelly Woodford-Richens
Basingstoke Training Centre Director
Kelly is a former postdoctoral scientist who has been teaching for 13 years. Her love of research continued into her career change, and she remains committed to research-informed practice. She was asked by the National Association of School Based Teacher Trainers (NASBTT) to write the book 'Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Using Cognitive Science in the Classroom' which was published in November 2021. Kelly is a Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching recognising the impact she has made on the profession in the last 10 years.
Kelly is passionate about training teachers and believes that being human-first in our understanding of pupils is fundamental to their success in the classroom. This value of relationships extends to how she trains her teachers, and she is proud of the support she gives to ensure they 'thrive' in not 'survive' their teacher training year.